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Notice on Termination of Project “Improving Viability of ALXA Ecological Migrants”

http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/06/29 17:12 

  On October 12 2004, an expert panel, organized by Hao Bing, the deputy secretary general, went to Alxa for the research work of SEE development strategies. SEE basically verified the questions experts posed in the Expert Report, through a field trip to the “greenhouse project” site and profound dialogues with local herdsmen as well as appropriate authorities such as Alxa Left Banner Government, Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Bureau of Alxa Left Banner, Yaoba Town Governmentf, and Poverty Alleviation Office of Alxa League.

  Instead of clay, the construction material required in Project Proposal, sandy soil was used in "Greenhouse Project", leading to partial collapses before completion of the whole project. The town government offered the suggestion of dividing the greenhouse, but laborers working on the project said to the experts "It will be pretty good for this kind of greenhouses to keep available for two or three years. Nobody will care about the quality of the project, for it is paid by the government”. Therefore, worrying about the project quality, local herdsmen disagreed with the government on greenhouse division program.

  Because the town government defaulted on the auxiliary funds for RMB 400,000 Yuan that it had promised to finance, the quantity of greenhouses decreased from 100 to 50.

  According to Project Proposal, beneficiaries of the project should be the 30 herdsman families subjetc to Helan Mountain Phase Ⅲ migration. However, the government said “these herdsmen do not know how to plant vegetables. Once they are built up, these greenhouses will be contracted out to Mingzhou company for operation”. Therefore, beneficiaries of the project changed and became indistinct.

  In consideration of the above problems, Project Office took the initiative to negotiate with governments of league and town levels, and organize training courses for herdsmen, trying to promote the project and set the ball rolling. Nevertheless, owing to the Banner Government's attitude toward the project and its arbitrary alteration of subject matters under the contract, the secretariat deemed the future cooperation pessimistic.

  In the first ten days of November, the executive council passed the resolution of discontinuing the "Greenhouse Project" with 12 tickets of approval and 3 tickets of abstention.

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